
About the Site

This is the website for the FHWA TPM Toolbox. The tools available here are intended to assist staff from transportation agencies in learning about and implementing TPM practices. The TPM Guidebook and Resources tools enable you to learn more about TPM: the Guidebook uses case studies and illustrative examples to demonstrate how performance management results in improved decision-making through better-informed planning, programming, monitoring and reporting.

The TPM Capability Maturity Model Self-Assessment is a tool for identifying logical next steps for strengthening TPM processes. It allows users to assess current TPM capabilities and identify actions to improve those capabilities. The assessment results are linked to the TPM Guidebook in order to provide clear practical actionable steps that state DOT leadership, management, and staff can implement to enhance performance-management practices. The User Guide has more information on getting started with the Toolbox.

Information within the Toolbox is geared towards both state and local transportation agencies.

About Transportation Performance Management

TPM is a strategic approach that uses system information to make investment and policy decisions to achieve performance goals. An increasing number of transportation agencies are adopting TPM principles to ensure the right bundle of projects is selected and delivered to produce the performance outcomes desired by the agency, external partners, elected officials, and the public. TPM helps determine what results are to be pursued, using information from past performance levels and forecasted conditions to guide investments, measuring progress toward strategic goals, and making adjustments to improve performance. TPM is grounded in sound data management, usability, and analysis as well as in effective communication and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. The key to successful implementation of TPM practices lies in the organizational support and agency embrace of data-driven decision making.


This document was developed in collaboration with stakeholders across the transportation industry. It was guided by the TPM Stakeholder Group, which spent hours assisting in development of the capability maturity model (CMM) and reviewing draft deliverables. Members of the Group were selected based on previous work in transportation performance management, previous activities with FHWA (conferences, peer exchanges, webinars), and consultation with national industry associations. The Committee included MPO, State DOT and transit agency staff members, with consideration given to geographic balance. Members of the TPM Stakeholder Group included:

  • Ben Reeser, Missouri Department of Transportation
  • Brian Hoeft, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
  • Brian Reagan, Missouri Department of Transportation
  • Camelia Ravanbakht, Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization
  • Christina O’Claire, King County Metro Transit
  • Christos Xenophontos, Rhode Island Department of Transportation
  • Coco Briseno, California Department of Transportation
  • Craig Lyon, Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions
  • Dan Davis, Washington State Department of Transportation
  • Daniela Bremmer, Washington State Department of Transportation
  • Dave Lee, Florida Department of Transportation
  • Dave Springstead, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
  • Dave Vautin, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
  • David Kuhn, New Jersey Department of Transportation
  • Dick Jarrold, Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
  • Eric Hesse, Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon
  • Erik Filkorn, Vermont Agency of Transportation
  • G.J. LaBonty, Utah Transit Authority
  • Greg Slater, Maryland State Highway Administration
  • Jeff Sudmeier, Colorado Department of Transportation
  • Jennifer Brandenburg, North Carolina Department of Transportation (former)
  • Jessie Jones, Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department
  • Jim Ritzman, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
  • John Milton, Washington State Department of Transportation
  • John Orr, Atlanta Regional Council
  • Jose Thommana, District Department of Transportation
  • Kanti Srikanth, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
  • Karen Miller, Missouri Department of Transportation
  • Kelly Travelbee, Michigan Department of Transportation
  • Lori Richter, Wisconsin Department of Transportation
  • Lynn Zanto, Montana Department of Transportation
  • Lynnette Ciavarella, Metra (Regional Transportation Authority)
  • Machelle Watkins, Missouri Department of Transportation
  • Mark Gieseke, Minnesota Department of Transportation
  • Marsha Fiol, Virginia Department of Transportation
  • Matt Sibul, Utah Transit Authority
  • Michelle Conkle, Texas Department of Transportation
  • Monique de los Rios Urban, Maricopa Association of Governments
  • Nancy Cisarik, Metra (Regional Transportation Authority)
  • Paul Degges, Tennessee Department of Transportation
  • Peter Spaulding, California Department of Transportation
  • Richard Brockmyer, Utah Transit Authority
  • Rolando Cruz, Long Beach Transit
  • Ron Achelpohl, Mid-America Regional Council
  • Scott Omer, Arizona Department of Transportation
  • Stacey Strittmatter, Texas Department of Transportation
  • Tammy Haas, New Mexico Department of Transportation
  • Tonia Norman, Texas Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration staff, along with national industry associations, played a key role in this project. Support for the project was provided through identification of printed resources, identification of TPM Stakeholder Group members, and review of draft deliverables, among other tasks. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO), and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) all offered support to this project. Specific individuals we would like to thank are:

  • DeLania Hardy, AMPO
  • Matt Hardy, AASHTO
  • Rich Weaver, APTA

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