The FHWA states, “This Guidebook informs State departments of transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and regional transportation planning organizations (RTPOs), as well as their planning partners such as transit agencies, local governments, and Federal agencies, about effective practices for incorporating performance-based planning into the development of a long range transportation plan.”
This guidebook outlines the basic elements of performance-based planning such as basic principles, development processes, and data analysis. The guidebook uses unique case studies and solutions as a way to provide agencies with guidance for some of their more specific conditions and needs.
The FHWA Performance Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) Guidebook outlines common performance management practices including goals, performance measures, targets, strategies, and more.
This is a compilation of documents from different State DOTs outlining noteworthy practices for different stages of Transportation Planning.
This is a set of documents related to the changes that were made to both MAP-21 and FAST Act policies regarding funding and the palnning process.
This is a compilation of fact sheets related to the FHWA’s project Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21).