The Data Management Body of Knowledge is a resource used in information and data management to aid data management needs.
The Data Management Body of Knowledge is a resource used in information and data management to aid data management needs.
This webpage includes links to a number of New York geospatial data documents.
This pages includes information regarding Geospatial Data Collaboration, a group of DOTs that shares geospatial data collection processes and operating procedures.
This report analyzes data quality control (QC) and quality analysis (QA) through case studies of four states – Virginia, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New York– examining their procedures and findings for data quality control.
PlanWorks is a tool that provides support to decision-makers and stakeholders in the form of a decision guide, assessments of agency needs, user portals, applications, a resource library, and a glossary of key terms. The resources are designed to inform decisions based on an agency’s specific needs and goals.
The FHWA Office of TPM homepage offers information on transportation performance management, including links to TPM news, resources, and upcoming events.
This is a compilation of documents from different State DOTs outlining noteworthy practices for different stages of Transportation Planning.
This is a set of documents related to the changes that were made to both MAP-21 and FAST Act policies regarding funding and the palnning process.
This is a group of documents relevant to Transportation Performance Management provided by the FHWA.