The Data Management Body of Knowledge is a resource used in information and data management to aid data management needs.
The Data Management Body of Knowledge is a resource used in information and data management to aid data management needs.
This webpage includes links to a number of New York geospatial data documents.
This pages includes information regarding Geospatial Data Collaboration, a group of DOTs that shares geospatial data collection processes and operating procedures.
This report focuses on the importance quality data for State DOTs and the FHWA.
This report investigates how exactly State DOTs are using their collected data for decision making processes.
This paper examines data quality measures at the FHWA.
This report includes information on the compliance with the federal laws that now require increased public access to research results
This report outlines a the FHWA’s data integration framework.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Data Governance Plan is a document that attempts to introduce the concept of data governance and its implementation within the FHWA.
This report is intended to provide state DOTs with a tool to help them improve their data management at both the user and agency level.