External Link: http://www.vtrans.org/resources/VTrans2035Update_Final_Draft_with_Appendices.pdf
Year Published: 2013
Publisher: Commonwealth Transportation Board

"VTrans is the long-range, statewide multimodal policy plan that lays out overarching Vision and Goals for
transportation in the Commonwealth. It identifies transportation Investment Priorities and provides
direction to transportation agencies on strategies and programs to be incorporated into their plans and
programs. The VTrans2035 Update is a unique update of the prior plan, VTrans2035.

"The performance-based planning framework includes the
following elements:
• VTrans Vision and Goals
• Investment Priorities
• Investment Strategies
• Rating of Investment Priorities
• Performance Reporting"
-Taken from the executive summary

Related Components: Component 1: Strategic Direction
Related TPM Areas: General