External Link: http://lrtp.cuuats.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/03/LRTP-Main_011615_reduced_9-Goals-etc.pdf
Year Published: 2013
Publisher: Champaign County Regional Planning Commission.

"The LRTP [long range tranportation plan] Annual Report Card includes updates for the Measures of
Effectiveness (MOEs, also known as ‘performance measures’) developed
in 2009 for the LRTP 2035: Choices as a way to track and measure
the progress that the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) makes towards
desired outcomes between each LRTP update.

"The following is a summary of the MOEs documented in the 2013 Report
Card for the LRTP 2035: Choices"
-Taken from page 2 of the PDF

Related Components: Component 1: Strategic Direction
Related TPM Areas: General